Take 2 with Jerry & Debbie

Coronavirus: Fact vs. Fiction


On the heels of our three-part series on how often you think of Heaven, on Wednesday we invite you to tune in and call in with your thoughts on the coronavirus threat. Are you convinced that there’s a serious threat? Or do you think it’s being blown out of proportion? What are you doing to ensure that you and your family are safe from infection? What do you think about the hysteria, closures, shut downs and other effects of this latest virus? We know this will be a lively and engaging conversation.

Link to EWTN Radio’s “Doctor, Doctor” episode on COVID-19:

6 thoughts on “Coronavirus: Fact vs. Fiction

  1. The Center for Disease Control says that only 31% of men and 65% of women wash their hands after using the restroom. [Source – Center for Disease Control – Oct 22, 2018]

    That’s a very scary thought!

    I learned many years ago in nursing school that washing your hands is one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of disease and to stay well.

    In his March 1933 inaugural address former President Franklin D. Roosevelt spoke a famous phrase about fear in reference to his goal to declare war on the Great Depression.

    FDR said, “So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is … fear itself – nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.”

    I believe the Coronavirus is a serious health threat. However, it seems like many people have now crossed over and gone way beyond very valid concerns and into outright fear and panic. Fear that is starting to run amok!

    Here’s are some suggestions one can do at this time.

    1. Pray!, Pray!, Pray!, for all things Coronavirus related.

    2. Wash your hands after you go to the bathroom and also before you eat every meal. Find out, and then follow, proper hand washing techniques.

    [You can use a paper towel, or your elbows, to turn off the facets and open the door when you leave the restroom.]

    [And here’s how the CDC says to do it, “Wet your hands with clean, running water, (warm or cold), turn off the tap, and apply soap. Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds.”]

    3. Talk to your health care professional, or go on-line, to find out the many ways you can protect yourself, and your loved ones, from germs.

    4. Please help keep others well by not going to Mass, work, or other group activities, when you are sick. Please be considerate of others in not putting them at risk of getting sick. You would want that same respect.

    [The Catholic Church allows for not going to Mass when you are sick and it’s not considered a mortal sin in this case.]

    5. Go to Confession.

    6. Do Not Live in Fear.

    Follow the advice of the proper government authorities and health care agencies, and then do all that you can do to prevent the contact and spread of pathogens.

    Yes, be concerned, but do not panic! That’s what Satan wants us to do!

    Remember, 2 Timothy says, “For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but rather of power and love and self-control.” [The New American Bible-Saint Joseph Edition]

    7. And finally “Stay calm and Trust in Jesus!”

    Toni in Texas


  2. I am a volunteer at one of the large teaching hospitals here in town, bringing Jesus to the patients. We were just advised yesterday that the hospital has suspended ALL volunteer participation effective immediately until further notice.


    • We’re sorry to hear about that, Marcy. I (Jerry) can relate. I am a volunteer chaplain’s assistant at a local hospital, and those services have also been suspended for the foreseeable future. Let us all pray that Jesus will protect all people, and that a solution to the current crisis will be found soon.


  3. Jerry, I like to take exception to your comment about the “industry” of medicine . One of the problems these days is that medicine has become an industry. It’s run on the bottom line of money. Docs have, maybe, 15 minutes to see a patient and often spend most of that time staring at a computer screen because they have to check off all the right boxes for maximum reimbursement. Around here, at least, ER docs spend way too much time trying to negotiate hospital placements for very sick people. Family Practice Docs spend way to much time negotiating with insurance companies about what test or what drug might be covered and way too much time finding a specialist that may take a patients insurance. Way too many patients really only have disaster insurance with deductibles that are so high they really can’t afford much medical care. Their physical might be covered but the hundreds or thousands of dollars that will be required if something is found in that physical are out of reach.


    • Justine,

      Thanks so much for weighing in on this discussion. Your insights are very helpful and appreciated. Please remember us in your prayers as we do our best to provide a balanced look at such a delicate matter. God bless you.



  4. Today at daily Mass there was a woman wearing surgical gloves!
    I assume it was because of the virus. I looked very odd.
    Her cell phone went off during Mass and she had trouble turning off of her phone because of the gloves. I almost laughed out loud.
    Oh my! I am so sorry for sharing this and finding humor at this. She was obviously making great effort to protect herself and others.
    God Bless us all.


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