Take 2 with Jerry & Debbie

“I Hate it When…” Part II


There were so many calls on Monday, when we first introduced this topic, that we left several people on the line at the end of the show. So, as we’ve done a few times in the recent past, we are presenting a part two on Tuesday. If you were unable to get through or get on the show on Monday, please call early so we can make sure you get the opportunity to share something that drives you crazy. As we did on Monday, we’ll once again want to address this question with a view to becoming more virtuous in our own lives.

RESOURCES: The rosary – pray it, don’t just say it, priest exhorts

T2- MAY7-2019- drive-crazy II

4 thoughts on ““I Hate it When…” Part II

  1. Dear Jerry and Debbie,
    I love your radio show and listen to it as often as possible or listen to the podcasts. I have been reading about the life of St. Catherine of Sienna which I find very inspiring especially how she prayed for souls who were damned. I am not a saint, I have sinned and do sin, however I trust in God’s mercy with the sacrament of Reconciliation. In thinking about the topic, “What drives you crazy?” I realized that St. Catherine is teaching me to pray for those things that would have driven me crazy. In church when someone or something seems off, I pray for the person or situation. Instead of becoming upset, I try with Mary’s help to place it in Jesus’ arms. He knows what is in someone’s heart. People do things that may have a purpose that we do not understand. If we can gently speak to them a correction or constructive suggestion we should. But we cannot simply judge the situation/person and get upset. St Catherine was so virtuous in her prayers for sinners or those put in her path who were unpleasant. She worked harder than ever to step up her patience and humility and ask for Christ’s intercession. She knew that the devil hated that. I’m not there yet, but I strive every day to follow the wonderful saints like her, St. Therese and St Faustina to place my trust in God. I also pray for that person’s guardian angel.
    God bless you both, I pray for the Take 2 family
    May God keep you well,
    Much love,
    Buffalo, NY


    • Vicky,

      Thank you for your beautiful note. And for sharing with us your beautiful soul. With St. Catherine of Siena as a role model, you will surely attain great spiritual heights. We so appreciate you listening, as well as praying for us and the global Take 2 family. You’re an important part of that family, and we keep you in our daily prayers, too.

      God bless you!


  2. Have you considered that the “shtraight” pronunciation is a speech defect probably not even recognized by the speaker? Seems a little lacking in understanding on your part.


    • Sharon, thanks so much for your question. I have thought about that. However, the large number of people I hear doing it would seem to rule that out as a likely reason. The people I hear saying it seem to have perfectly good speech other than this. It just strikes me as odd, that’s all. But, again, we appreciate you weighing in on the conversation!


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