Take 2 with Jerry & Debbie

Have You Ever “Rescued” a Holy Item?


We occasionally have listeners tell us that they came across some sort of blessed holy items at thrift stores, swap meets and yard sales. While it’s usually out of ignorance, those selling these things likely don’t know the spiritual worth of them. So, people who know – like you – “rescue” them by buying them and giving them a good home. Have you ever done this? Join us and tell us about it on Monday.

Also heard on Catholic Radio.

2 thoughts on “Have You Ever “Rescued” a Holy Item?

  1. 1. Rescued item: A friend inherited 6 large boxes of Catholic stuff from an old friend. In the bottom of one box, I rescued a broken rosary, figuring I would fix it, then get it back in circulation. When I got home, however, I noticed it had a round door, and it contains a 2nd class relic of St. Anthony Mary Claret. I never heard of him, and no one else I know had, so I bought a couple of books about him, because frequently, saints will make themselves known to us for a reason. He was a very holy bishop, who started his own publishing company so he could distribute his books. He lived in the 1800s. He was ordained on June 13th, our wedding anniversary! He had a great devotion to St. Anthony, which is probably why he chose that date (St. Anthony’s feast day). I’ve kept the rosary, and pray for his intercessions. This was a couple of years ago.
    This July, I got a new priest. I run the office at our parish. I ordered prayer cards, shortly after he arrived. I noticed the company actually had a St. Claret card, so I ordered one, and they sent me 6! I showed our new priest the prayer cards, and offered one of the good bishop. He was SO excited! St. Claret is one of his “go to” saints! He even has a relic of his!!! He was shocked that I even knew who he was!
    2. Last year, I went to estate sale, and got some incredible bargains!! On the last day, I bought a 4′ statue of Our Lady of Victory for only $13!!! She’s plaster, but someone had painted her using thick coats of exterior paint. I put in 3 days of sweat equity to take it off, and left her looking very aged. I keep her in our office at work. Our new priest just used her in a procession, and people loved her!


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