Take 2 with Jerry & Debbie

How Has Your View on Material Possessions Changed?


We all need “stuff” to survive. But how much “stuff?” How much is too much? It’s so easy to get attached to material things. Often it takes us going through trials before we realize that earthly possessions, while perhaps necessary to our survival, are unimportant or insignificant beyond that simple fact. What have you been through that has altered your perception of material possessions, to the point where you can take them or leave them? That is a blessed place to be, but it’s not always easy to get there. Share your take on this with Jerry and Debbie Tuesday.

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Happy Are You Poor by Fr Thomas Dubay

7 thoughts on “How Has Your View on Material Possessions Changed?

  1. Hi Jerry and Debbie,
    Like Debbie, I have lost interest in gaining material goods. I recently started volunteering at our local homeless shelter and it’s given me a lot of perspective on life. Every month I get rid of stuff we are no longer using and I wear my clothes for two to three seasons before getting rid of them. God is calling me to be focused on Him and not on what others may think of me. A book that inspired me is Fr. Spitzer’s Ten Universal Principles: A Brief Philosophy on the Life Issues.


  2. I wanted to recommend a terrific book by Fr. Thomas Dubay, Happy Are You Poor. I didn’t catch the beginning of the broadcast, so I don’t know if anyone mentioned it yet, but it is excellent.


  3. People are addicted to the satisfaction they get when they make a purchase. Shopping becomes a pasttime, and we wind up buying things just for that brief moment of pleasure. It’s much more satisfying to refrain from shopping unless I need something specific. That frees up money for me to donate to charities that make a real difference. I can donate to my local Catholic radio station, my church and the local food pantry with the money I would have otherwise spent on something transient.


  4. In the book of Acts, I am puzzled by what happened. I don’t know if I understand the situation. It sounds like people sold their possessions and shared things in common. But, what resulted was that they became poor, and Paul had to take up a collection for them in his missionary journeys. If I understand that correctly it speaks against giving everything away and living in an impoverished condition. When you look at somebody like Mother Angelica, she definitely did not live in poverty. Another dilemma involves aging. No one knows how long they will live or how far their savings will have to stretch.

    As my mother got older, she used to say, if I can’t eat it, I don’t want it.

    Recently I had to give up my old shoes that were worn out and causing pain in my feet and joints. The topic of material possessions should also cover that, getting things when you really should have them, not just giving everything away.

    You glancingly covered “coveting” without naming it. (I didn’t catch the whole show) But, that is a relevant topic, too. What is coveting — when does desire become a sin?


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