Take 2 with Jerry & Debbie

My Disability Is a Blessing


On Friday, call Jerry and Debbie and tell the world how being born with or acquiring a disability at some point in your life has gone from being a burdensome challenge to a great blessing. Many times, God gives us these hidden gifts for our own spiritual growth and to inspire and encourage others who may have difficulty living with the same circumstances we are faced with.


T2 -090718 - Disability

6 thoughts on “My Disability Is a Blessing

  1. I will hopefully be able to call in, but I work for a living, which relates to and leads me to why I write tonight. I am a person who lives with a physical disability, Spina Bifida, since birth (41 years ago, this past Monday was my 41st birthday). I try to live my life every day in testimony of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, as a cradle Catholic. I am humbled and blessed to be working for a private non-profit who primarily serves persons with significant disabilities. In my area, however I work with ANYONE who is unemployed, or looking to change jobs, whether they have a disability or not. It is humbling and moving to me to show these people that here’s a college graduate who has been working for 17 years in this field, and I truly love every second of it. I believe I show that if I can do something, so can anyone else.
    Additionally I have been a coach for a co-ed, youth wheelchair basketball team for roughly the same length of time. I would like to think that I serve as a role model to these youths who are finding their way in their lives, while learning to play a beautiful game and be apart of a team’s inner workings. As much as I get great joy from my 5-day a week job, this truly is the highlight of my week, not to mention playing my guitar and singing at not only my parish, but my Mother’s when I’m there, which is frequent. I hope and pray that the Lord continues to use my and the example of my life to bless others with disabilities and their families and caretakers and others without disabilities alike. Thank you for a topic that truly hits home for me in so many ways, and Thank you God for your ministry. Rest assured of my prayers.

    David from Arlington, VA


    • David,

      Wow. What can we say? Your comment is absolutely beautiful. And your life is even more precious and wonderful. God has truly blessed you in ways that few of us have been blessed. Thank you for sharing this. If you’re not able to call in, we’ll try to read this on the air during the show. And please know that we cherish your prayers. You are very close to God, so we are counting on you and your prayers. You will always be in ours.

      God bless you!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for your words, Mr. Jerry Usher. It’s been a busy morning, just started listening in as of 12:25 EDT. If I can, I may still try to call in. If you’re going to do this topic again, I’ll try to call then!


    • You’re very welcome, David. You are a true inspiration to us all. Please remember me and Debbie and the show “family” in your prayers. You can be assured of ours!


  3. I wasn’t able to listen to the entire show in my car as my radio kept cutting out, however I did hear what you had for a subject.
    Since December 2017 I have been walking with a limp, slight at first and now rather exaggerated. Three weeks ago my doctors told me I have osteo-arthritis on my right side in my hip, knee, and back. I miss walking as I used to enjoy walking 3 miles-a-day at a nice, brisk pace. Some days it is more painful than others, but – it is a cross to bear that I can deal with it because it is a reminder of the Cross our Lord bore for all of us weighted down by our sins and the sins of the whole world. I gladly accept this blessing.


    • God bless you for your courage and endurance. That is truly a sweet gift back to the Lord. You will be remembered in our prayers, and we will cherish yours as well.


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