Take 2 with Jerry & Debbie

Whom Are You Praying For?


Jerry and Debbie are back on Tuesday with their first live show of 2018. And we want to kick off the new year by inviting the world to pray for your special intentions. We’ve offered this show many times in the past, and you always come strong with your prayer intentions. It may be someone’s health, an employment situation, a relationship that needs mending, you name it. It’s your show, so be sure to call and allow us to share with the world whatever it is that you are praying for!


12 thoughts on “Whom Are You Praying For?

  1. I have big difficulty trying to use your “comment” with WordPress? Please pray for our family to stop trying to perfect their stories and get back to WHO WE ARE! Amazed by the cracks and lesions that entered our family who suffered enough under harsh lips of mother-in-law to fall at the hands of outsiders entering, analyzing and degrading! HORRORS! Nothing short of sheer horror stories


  2. Please continue to hold my sister-in-law Eithne in your prayers that she may recover from mental depression and recover her career. Please also continue to pray that I recover from prostate cancer surgery. My daily prayer is for the suffering souls in Purgatory and that those within my own home and family who have lapsed and use the holy name in vain will be reconciled before Our Heavenly Father calls us all home. Thank you Jerry & Debbie for being there for me. May God bless you and keep you.


    • Anthony,

      We are most certainly here for you and all of the Take 2 family. Your intentions are dear to the Lord. Please remember us and our intentions in your prayers as well.

      Love and prayers!

      Jerry and Debbie


  3. I am first of all giving praise to the Almighty God for another year. 2017 was a year of tremendous loss for our family and friends, but He brought us through it. I ask for discernment of God’s will for my husband and me as we journey together as empty nesters and career choices are presenting themselves to us now. I pray that whatever we decide will be in line with God’s will for our lives, our marriage, and family. I ask for clarity of mind and heart today for him as my husband goes to a job interview.


  4. We are expecting our 4th baby, and today we have a routine ultrasound. Please pray that everything is normal and healthy. I have had a lot of anxiety with this pregnancy because our last baby was a miscarriage. Also please pray for the soul of Mary who passed away this past Mon. She is the mother of our Godson, Jake. Thank you for all you do.


    • Becky,

      By now, you may have had the ultrasound. Please let us know how it went. We have been praying! God bless you and your husband for your openness to life! And we’ll pray for Mary’s soul as well. Bless your heart!

      Jerry and Debbie


      • Thank you for praying! I could really feel all the prayers! The baby looks perfect! I am almost 19 weeks, and the baby weighs 9 oz! I actually called your show about a year ago, on the “You’re Fired” episode. I am sure Debbie has that recorded in her book! 🙂 I usually listen to your show everyday. And my oldest, Samuel who will be 7 this month, always sings along with the entry music! Thanks again for all you guys do. Your show is important to all of your listeners, especially me! I will update you on the baby!


      • Becky,

        Thanks for the update. So happy to hear that Samuel is growing into a wonderful young man! Yes, keep us posted! And I will never begin the show again without knowing that your beautiful son is singing along with the entry music. So sweet! Please keep us in your prayers!

        Love you!

        Jerry and Debbie


  5. Please pray for my son Justin who has 4th stage melanoma. thank you


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