Take 2 with Jerry & Debbie

Catholics in America


If you think the challenges we face as Catholics in the United States are new, you need to think again. Sure, the heat has been turned up in recent years, and shows no signs of abating. But the first Catholics to come to this country also faced a long uphill battle. Yet, they were undeterred – as we should be – in their efforts to bring the truth of Jesus Christ and His Church to our land. On Independence Day, Jerry and Debbie will visit with Russell Shaw, Church historian and author of more than twenty books, including his latest, “Catholics in America,” which profiles several of the pioneering Catholics who laid the foundation of the Catholic faith in the early years of the United States. Tune in and enjoy!

Catholics in America

Look! Over there to your right! It’s the link to Jerry and Debbie’s website. We want you to post your prayer intentions, so the whole world can be praying for you. And, if you would like us to come and speak in your area, there’s a form you can fill out. Log on today!


2 thoughts on “Catholics in America

  1. With the death of Mother Angelica, Mother Teresa, Pope St. John Paul II, and other pillars of faith in our time, who do we have to replace them? Who do we have that we can look to as a model of sainthood here on earth? If you or your listeners have suggestions, I would greatly hearing them.


  2. Sherrye, thanks for your comment. You point out some incredible pillars of the faith in our lifetime. They are all greatly missed. But we also know that they are not “gone,” as they saints are always with us, and always praying for us. The challenge that we feel at Take 2 With Jerry and Debbie is to be the next Mother Angelica, Mother Teresa, Pope St. John Paul II. In many ways, they were no different from us. We are given the same graces they were to become holy. Let us embrace those graces, and allow the Lord to shine His light to the world through us. And through you, Sherrye! God bless.

    Jerry and Debbie


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