Take 2 with Jerry & Debbie

I Can’t Talk to Family or Friends About Politics!


It seems the world is at opposite ends when it comes to the political spectrum. But when it becomes a source of tension in our own families or among our friends, then it just adds to the stress level of the house or our relationships, something none of us want to see increase. What’s the best way to maintain harmony even though we have differing political views that are important to us as well. This problem does not just hurt our families, it is damaging friendships as well. Share your take with Jerry and Debbie on Wednesday.

Chris in Ft. Worth asked about attending the wedding of a fallen-away Catholic. Here is an article in EWTN’s National Catholic Register that addresses that.

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2 thoughts on “I Can’t Talk to Family or Friends About Politics!

  1. I loved what Barb said about being catholic. She and her husband state that they are proUd of their catholic identity, especially coming from difficult countries. They are not shy and are actually bold about it. We should stand united with our faith since we are so equipped And supported by so much catholic richness. What a force we could be if we all stood up for our faith, we could set the world on fire , with the Holy Spirit!


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